Chevrolet Nova

While out taking photos this weekend, I came across this Chevy Nova. It felt like the perfect scene because there was a lot of continuity. A white car, a white house, white snow, and an overcast day lent a white tone to everything in sight.
I think this is a fourth-gen, but, to be honest, it’s hard for me to tell because of how much is missing. I’d like to think it rolled off the line at Willow Run, but the third and fourth generations were made at other assemblies, too.
As I approached to take these photographs, I noticed a little white (of course) dog on the corner roughly 50 yards away, barking like mad. He would bark once or twice, turn around, and look back to bark at me again. It wasn’t tied up to anything, but it kept its distance. It felt as if it was waiting for someone, and they were mad that I wasn’t them.
I assume this car was being used as a donor. Think of it as a little library for car parts fitting a specific model. I imagine the only time we’ll see this one cruising down the street again is on the bed of a junk truck, taking it to a scrap yard once everything salvageable has been taken.
Regardless of its future, I’m happy to have photographed it.
As I was leaving, the little white dog was still doing his dance. Bark, bark, turn around, look, then back to barking. I had to laugh—it looked a little funny. As I was walking away, I heard a louder, much deeper bark that turned my smile into a look of concern. It’s safe to say I didn’t go back to see who had finally shown up to meet the little white dog!